Pizza Pizza — Meal Delivery in Temiskaming Shores

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Pizza Pizza

Meal Delivery at 29 Whitewood Ave W, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0, Canada, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, P0J 1P0 . Here you will find detailed information about Pizza Pizza: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    11:00 AM – 12:00 AM
  • Tuesday
    11:00 AM – 12:00 AM
  • Wednesday
    11:00 AM – 12:00 AM
  • Thursday
    11:00 AM – 1:00 AM
  • Friday
    11:00 AM – 3:00 AM
  • Saturday
    11:00 AM – 3:00 AM
  • Sunday
    11:00 AM – 12:00 AM


Based on 5 reviews


29 Whitewood Ave W, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0, Canada, Temiskaming Shores, Ontario, P0J 1P0
Temiskaming Shores
P0J 1P0

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About Pizza Pizza

Pizza Pizza is a UK Meal Delivery based in Temiskaming Shores, Ontario. Pizza Pizza is located at 29 Whitewood Ave W, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0, Canada,

Please contact Pizza Pizza using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Pizza Pizza opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Pizza Pizza

  • Autumn
    Added 2016.08.19
    Terrible experience. The place is filthy. I ordered a pizza online and the manager/owner was very rude to me! Yelled and swore at me when I asked for my pizza that I ordered! Will NEVER go back.
  • Ellie
    Added 2016.06.14
    Don't bother calling the customer service line. I moved back here and a couple of months back, ordered a "large" pizza. Everywhere I have ordered pizza, a "large" is 16". Here it is 14" which is a medium anywhere else. I phoned and said I got the wrong size, not knowing PP's considers a 14" to be a large. So I made a mistake. Also, the delivery girl they sent came to my door with no change. As if I'm going to tip someone who doesn't even carry change, knowing I was paying cash. I waited 5 frustrating minutes for her to go to the car and get my change. She came back, gave me the change in coins and left quickly. I noticed before I could catch her she had shorted me. So I phoned customer service line that THEY provide, and they determined it was an honest mistake I made and since my pizza was cold and I was shorted, said I could have my pizza replaced and just to keep the one I had, as well as returning my money I was shorted. Some guy phones me from the store and rags me out about complaining and they will be charged and I needed to phone back and straighten it out for them. I phone customer service to complain about this and they say there's NO WAY he should have done that. They make arrangements for another pizza and my money to be returned. The delivery man(and I don't blame Ray for this) comes back with my pizza and tells me that the manager said that I cannot have the pizza without showing them the other one. The lady at CS told me that I could keep it and so I phone again and she tells me that I do not have to show them the pizza, PERIOD! Ray phones this arrogant manager to ask him what to do and the "manager" insists I show them the older pizza because it was my mistake and if it's a large then I can't have the fresh pizza. I tell them AGAIN what customer service has said and then this arrogant man says "I don't care what customer service says, we don't listen to what they tell us." Ray gets all flustered when I demand my pizza and then starts telling the manager, "oh oh. He's mad." And leaves with the now not fresh pizza. I call customer service about this and they are shocked at this so just give me a credit for the pizza and my change that I was shorted. As IF I would want this place and manager even touching my pizza. There are too many problems with this particular franchise to list. The delivery man, Ray, is the best employee they've got and there is a nice lady that I was served by before this fiasco. They keep the pizza slices too long, as well. I went in at 2:05 one day and they only have one stale-looking, crusty, edge-curled slice of deluxe left. I tell them it doesn't look fresh at all and remember, PP's uses the term Fresh in many of their ads. The fellow working says he agrees and that there is "fresh" pizza coming in 10 minutes so he will be throwing out the slice. I went back about 2:15, and there is a fresh pizza there, yet the slice he was going to throw out has taken the place of a a slice from the fresher pizza and has obviously been reheated for likely the third time to make it look like it's still good. The fellow asks if I still want a deluxe slice and tries to pawn the old slice on me!! I get upset and tell him, "No way buddy! You were supposed to throw that slice in the garbage." "Oh sir", he says, the whole pizza just came out of the oven. That is not the same slice." I can tell even by the way the mushrooms and pepperoni on the slice that it's the same one. I demand a fresher slice and he reluctantly changes my slice. Worst Pizza Pizza franchise in all of Northern Ontario. There are still other things that need to be addressed, but like I said, don't call the customer service line that they provide, because the store won't even follow their instructions and they told me that they don't and won't. They often treat customers here as if we're just a bunch of stupid northern hicks. Have a problem with this franchise? Call the Temiskaming Health Unit and they WILL look into it. This place and their employees better wise up because they're going to lose this franchise.
  • Josephine
    Added 2016.03.15
    60 minutes or it is free...what happens when it is almost 120 mins? This is the last pizza I will order. Customer service was not much help. "The driver is on the way, he is dropping off two other pizzas." Should have just made dinner it would have been healthier and I would have eaten by now. Thanks pizza pizza! It is frowns for late delivery this month.
  • Savannah
    Added 2014.02.21
    Bad pizza was cold he took my change out my hand real quick and I didn't even give him it in the first place and pizza was upside down when I got it when I asked about the pizza he was really rude. Can't believe he actually even touched my pizza! As if and said the pizza was fine and slammed my door! Bad person to be working there! Waste of money!
  • Emma
    Added 2013.09.15
    I can't say I had many mishaps happen while ordering food from here, the occasional mistakes where I was given the wrong order (I always check my pizza beforehand), or sometimes it felt like they hardly put any toppings on it. It was like I was mainly eating bread, sauce and cheese, but it has improved since then. However, what concerned me is that more than once the delivery guy made a slip mentioning the cleanliness of the work place - saying stuff like "We got to get the place clean before the "big boys" come by" I don't want to eat food where the building is in filthy conditions, but I also don't know if what the delivery guy said was truth or not, I would rather not judge based on words alone. Though it still concerns me when he said that.
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